Home 2023 Compensation & Career Survey How much do hospitalists earn from extra shifts?

How much do hospitalists earn from extra shifts?

Hospitalists on average get about 11% of their pay from working additional hours

WORKING EXTRA SHIFTS? How much does a hospitalist’s annual compensation come from working additional work hours?

According to data from our 2023 Today’s Hospitalist Compensation & Career Survey, hospitalists who treat adults and who received any compensation from working more shifts got 11.4% of their total pay from working those additional hours.

Here’s a look at how much income specific groups of hospitalists—by region, employment model and years in the specialty—earned from extra shift work:

•  Income from extra shifts was slightly above average for nonacademic hospitalists (12.5% of their total pay) and slightly lower for academic hospitalists (10.1%).

•  Hospitalists working for local hospitalist groups saw the biggest percentage of total income from working more shifts (15.9%). The percentage was lowest for hospitalists in universities and medical schools (10.2%).

•  Hospitalists in the Northeast saw the lowest amount of compensation from extra shifts (5.0%). Hospitalists in the Midwest saw the highest percentage: 13.2%.

•  Income from working extra shifts was higher among full-time hospitalists (12.3%) than part-time hospitalists (8.2%).

•  Nocturnists reported earning considerably more of their income from extra shifts: 16.2%.

•  Hospitalists who reported being very satisfied with their careers saw more money from extra shifts (14.8%) than those who said they are satisfied (10.9%).

•  Younger hospitalists reported earning slightly more of their pay from working extra shifts. For hospitalists in the specialty between three and four years, 14.0% of their annual income came from picking up additional shifts. For hospitalists with 20-plus years of experience, on the other hand, that percentage was 10.4%.

For more on compensation for hospitalists, see our survey survey results.

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